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Robens - Quality Outdoor Gear Since 1973

Olaf in tent

Our passion for the outdoors is well known and it is firmly rooted in our past by Klaus Robens when he created the Robens brand more than 45 years ago in Germany!

The young Klaus spent all holidays in tents and kayaks. Later, while enjoying camping and sailing holidays together, he shared his love for outdoor life with his wife, Monika, and their two children. He also brought this enthusiasm to work. At 14, Klaus was apprenticed as a sports-goods merchandiser for a department store. He progressed to buyer and was one of the first Europeans to travel and source camping goods from the Far East – an adventurous undertaking at that time.

In 1973 his knowledge of the outdoors and the industry was put to good use when, with his wife, he founded the Robens company at their Wentorf home. Their cellar was the office and the tent display area was their front lawn. Robens Logo

Robens Tent Silver Spider By 1988 Robens was so successful that it moved into newly built premises and began work with industrial designer Olaf Bracht, who shared the passion for the outdoors. This enabled Robens to offer products perfectly designed for outdoor life and cemented its success as a brand with a focus on high quality at reasonable prices. 

In 2000, Robens was acquired by Oase Outdoors and moves ever forward to help people fulfil their passion for the outdoors.

We catch up with Olaf in the Robens design office and he takes up the story… 

Then and now
Thirty-years-ago a tent rarely had more than 1,000mm hydrostatic head and there was only a limited selection of good materials for constructing durable tents. 

By the 80s, about 25 years ago, tents had a 1,500mm Hydrostatic Head, with trekking tents featuring sealed seams. Unfortunately, this would often come off when exposed to sun over time.  

The 90s saw better materials and processing techniques came to the market and, by 2002, we brought out the first trekking tents with a 5,000mm hydrostatic head. The seams were sealed better, but still no comparison to our present method.

Tent tests

Robens test center

Eight years ago Robens adopted my own tests in our own test center in Denmark using a 380hp mobile wind machine that subjects our tents to wind speeds up to 200km/h. Our rain machine simulates extremely strong rain and we can combine  this with the wind machine to drive rain sideways onto the tents.

These tests provide important insights; for example, how to design a ventilation system that works in any weather.

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During the last 40 years Robens has made itself a name which promises the highest quality with a good price-performance ratio. In recent years this has enabled us to receive many awards and prizes for our products. 

But this does not stop us from striving to evolve our brand. Starting this year, we state the results of the wind tests on all Robens tents. It is exciting to see which tent construction will withstand the most wind. Nevertheless, each range and tent model has its own special feature and benefits. These differences and the destination and method of travel may influence the outdoor adventurer’s purchase decision.

Even our family tents are able to stand up to strong winds up to 140 km/h and more. Recent weather conditions have made us pay even greater attention on wind stability. Safety should pay an important role – especially when children involved.

Our Klondike tipi tent has surprised even us by passing the 168km/h mark in our wind tests. This is significantly higher values than for even many trekking tents on the market.

To celebrate our 40th anniversary, we have brought a range of our best-selling tents back to life. And all of them deliver superb quality at unbelievably low prices to introduce a new generation of campers to the Robens values. Discover our Sierra Range, with the models: Challenger 2, Lemon Grey 2, Black Shrimp 3 or the Fortress 3.

Robens is also well-known for its well-thought-out range of accessories. This year in addition to sleeping bags, self-inflating mats and other accessories, a particularly lightweight and compact range of outdoor furniture was added with stools that fits into a rucksack or pannier.

We are always excited to see which new products will come in the coming years. And we will continue the development of new outdoor products with lots of passion, ambition and fun. We want to offer you great products in the future for your outdoor adventures. 

This feature was originally published in 2014 to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Product development and success continues unabated…